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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wise Words

Post #6  (I'm updating slowly but surely!) lol

This post is basically a compilation of random motivational lines that really help to put things into perspective for me.....throughout everything I have realized that the saddest I felt was in the beginning...the first 2years where I didn't know why everything was happening to me and why i had to endure what I was going through...restoring my faith in God as well as a brand new attitude and perspective on life have helped me IMMENSELY! Although at times I may be a bit gloomy...those times are now very rare and don't last as long as before where I would be depressed for days and sometimes weeks and cry every other day almost!
 Now, I have come to appreciate that our time here on this earth is limited and that despite what i have gone through and am still going through, I am still lucky and blessed compared to others...always be grateful for what you do have...count your blessings and not your lackings....
Anyways so one day when I was feeling down my darling mom wrote this on a card  to me and it really touched me so I thought I would share it with you all...

Dear *insert your name here*

This is the day you step forward and say to yourself-
"Today I will start becoming the person I am mean to be."
Let that be your mantra, say it on awakening every day that you are blessed with.
Remember- You are loved, you are surrounded by peope who care about you and want nothing but the best for you. You have an inner strength, given to you by God- find it, tap into it and use it always when needs be.
We all make mistakes, that is how we learn and grow- acknowledge yours and say to yourself,
 "Today I will Grow a little more than yesterday, than last week, than last month, than last year."

*insert your name here* 

You are one of the  colours that make up God's Rainbow of Life and like a rainbow you help to brighten up someone's day.
Remember to say thank you every morning and every grateful for is a glorious gift no matter its ups and downs- it's full of challenges and wonders. Every day is important in the grand scheme of things.
Treasure yesterday, live and love today and look forward to tomorrow. Spread joy when you can.

YOU are the captain of your ship.....So Stand Straight and tall at the wheel and STEER!!!!


Friday, August 12, 2011


>>>>> Sooo after being all hot and sweaty when I first created this blog and writing post after post, I slacked off for a bit...just a couple MONTHS...nothing MY ABSENCE!!!
Anyways I'm baccckkk! Better late than never right? lol Post #5!!! <<<<<<
Updates in a nutshell (like 4 months worth!)
I am a brand new person :)   the whole sleep issue is still an ongoing issue although on a lesser level compared to months anxiety is virtually GONE and emotionally,spiritually and mentally,(I'm still working on the physically part) lol. I am in a way better place than I was before thanks to SEVERAL little miracles I have been lucky enough to witness 'seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given to you.'... This is all a result of NO MEDICATION and simply a change of attitude and perspective!!!!

I am content and grateful and living day to day rather than worrying about the future and what may or may not come to pass and I am just a more mature and better person on the whole striving to be the best that I can be for myself, others and God...
That said, for those of you who don't already know, I have some major life changing news:

******* I am going to France for 8 months *******  !!!!

Looonnnggg story short, I had applied for the program but never intended on actually going because of my sleep situation etc...I wasn't sure if I'd be ok enough to be away soooo far away for sooo long....but I applied just to see if I would get through and I did!!!
so my flight is September 20th and I am sooooo excited and nervous but very grateful for the opportunity!
 I'm not going to worry about the 'what if I feel sick and can't sleep over there' business (though of course it does cross my mind)...I have faith and trust in God...and this is the path I am meant to take thus far...Que sera, sera.
Of course I will be blogging alllll about my european experience!

Everything is more or less organized. I will be teaching at a high school in Roubaix, Lille, France from Oct 1st - April 31st and I already have accomodation. I have orientation Oct 5th but of course I'm getting there extra early to organize my bank account & other administrative fun paperwork stuff. I've already done some winter shopping maynnnee! (I really couldn't help myself) lol I'm def going to need those space bag thingies cuz I've already been packing and I'm already OVERPAKCED (uhh dyslexia much?lol) x 1000!
On a sidenote I'm going to be celebrating my 24th (UGH I'm getting sooo old) birthday away from home for the 1st time ever :'(  I'm thinking about going to Paris for the weekend with friends (LOL I feel so spoilt, like 'hey I'm going PARIS for my bday) lol

N.B :  I am going to be homesick like WHOA...I just know it...I haven't thought much about leaving my fam, my doggie love of my life (caseykins) and my bf....I think I'm trying to avoid thinking about it now because it makes me sad to dwell upon it really hasn't hit me just yet even though it's a lil more than 1 month before I leave!!!! I'm soooo happy I'll have my mom with me for the first few days to settle me in! I wish my bf could visit me but the cost of that ticket is UBERLY expensive and he'll b busy working :'(
Oh well, if our 4 year relationship can make it through 8 months of being apart, then we can make it through almost anything together!!!!

Anyhooz its rather early so I'm going back to bed!! I will try to keep up the blogging and not let procrastination take me away again! lol xoxoxox Have a great day!