Viewer Tally!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Well I feel like an archaeologist digging deep in dirt (awesome alliteration ftw!) and finding a long lost treasured artefact. It has literally been YEARS since I've posted here! The only excuses I have are "life got in the way" and a few of my non redeeming qualities: laziness and procrastination.
Buuuttt why dwell on the why's when I've clearly decided to resurrect this blog and start writing again? It took me to reach Panamá to get back into it...not my year abroad in Europe oh no...but my 2 weeks in Latin America...*sigh* times like these I know I'm a special one.
Anyways so here I am on vacation and let's just say it's been an experience thus far...

1) I picked up some random super bug back home 1 week before my trip....I didn't start feeling better until the day before. Might I add that I had to wake up at 2:30 am for that 6:15 am flight?! *end princess rant*

2) I'm not a fan of flying...far less I had my arsenal of weaponry to keep the jitters at bay: gum, my inhaler, Kindle and a journal and pen to jot my thoughts down. At one point dung a bout of turbulence...a few minutes worth of rattling and shaking, I was scribbling furiously in said journal when the man joked in amusememt "wow you're working hard on writing that book!" I smiled and proceeded to explain that it's a way to cope with my flying anxiety. He then nodder in understanding and said he had a scripture to show me. He pulled out his phone (airplane mode duh), went to his bible app and showed me this:
Philippians 4:6-7
I swear I wanted to cry after reading was EXACTLY what I needed to hear at that time...I truly believe that was God's way of sending me a message to remind me that He's there with me and that everything will be OK....I felt so immediately humbled and the man and I chatted to pass time. He was older than my father and a cycling coach on his way to Cuba with his athletes to participate in a tournament. Later he told me he and his wife had lost 2 of their 4 offspring 5 and 3 years ago...a devastating and tragic loss. It was pleasant conversing with him and I felt so much better as he had maintained a positive outlook and had a jovial spirit. 3 hours later I'd arrived at my destination sleepy x 1000 but happy.🙏

3) my Amiga picked me up and we went exploring immediately!

Wandering through some artisanal shops in Casco Viejo

The ancient ruins of Panamá Viejo from a church window
Me posing next to some street graffiti in Casco Viejo

Seated amidst the juxtaposition of old and new

I had a wonderful time exploring the old city and wandering through the streets but Dios! The weather was a slap in the face...I mean yea I'm from the Caribbean so I should be accustomed but na! This weather different! Humid and sticky...NO BREEZE. So of course that night Chelsea had to sleep with air con and then proceed to freeze all night sleeping in a scarf jacket socks and long sleeved pyjamas. And claro que sí I had to wake up the next morning with a head cold feeling all groggy and disoriented. Hmmph.

4)Monday morning as I said, I woke up sick and went to make breakfast and saw my friend's baby sister's nanny preparing lunch. The nanny is an aged Kuna! A direct descendant of Panama's indigenous people who continue to flourish and live their lives peacefully on the San Blas islands near to Panamá. She was dressed in traditional garb and she even speaks the language but luckily she also speaks some spanish so we were able to communicate. She is quite pleasant although a bit reserved and she smiled at silly jokes I made in spanish   (let's be honest I am quite funny). She made a delicious lemon and ginger tea from me and I had some of the lunch she had prepared which was sooo good....although when I asked her about the meat she said she didn't know what it was.....😐 *yay for mystery meat* 😐

5) I took a bus all by myself and went to the mall while my friend was working. Later I met a Colombian amigo who I'd met in Trinidad some years ago and who now works in a Panama. He took me for lunch at the Amador Causeway and then to Miraflores....half hour later while in stomach began acting up....I ended up having a world war 3 in my stomach in a McDonald's toilet stall.....LIKE SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I was too weak and tired to continue sightseeing afterwards so my amiga who I'm staying with met me after work and took me home to rest.

So has been an experience thus far hahaha. Luckily my friend, Elisa is a lovely person and her family is just as lovely so I feel comfortable and welcomed.  Heading out to San Blas islands today! 👋