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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Positive Change & Growth

Post#2 of my blog & I just wna say thx 2 those who took the time to leave positive feedback via comments here & facebook posts & msgs! Ur encouragement,like an aphrodisiac, (well like what I imagine one would feel like lol) excites me&motivates me 2 continue. I swear writing is truly therapeutic!

So after reading my 1st post which gave the background story 4 this blog (scroll down under this post 2 take a read), a lot of u asked about my current situation .  Here's a quick update: Ever since 'seeing the light' & also seeing my pysch (saw her twice since Feb to help me deal with my sleeping/anxiety issues etc), I have been progressing,doing my yoga classes and I'm currently working at home doing translations for 2 companies which is a great aid for my brain cells & my wallet!! Additionally, my rship w my fam & bf of 3 1/2 yrs has improved IMMENSELY :). So I'm just taking it easy doing things but giving my body a chance to heal and rest till decision time a.k.a CONUNDRUM which is another post 4 another time!

 Sleep wise, last night, I slept roughly 4 hrs which is better than 2 the night b4. Yay me! *insert happy jig here* I went to sleep later than normz (after 12) due to blog excitement & the only reason I got up at 4:37 am was 4 a pee break.Hmmph! *PLZ refer to Tip#3  on the right side of this page!* 
And I have difficulties in getting my body & mind back 2 that sweet state of slumber once I have already awoken. Ok, ok and fine... to be honest, I'm pretty undisciplined when it comes to following my tips and sticking to a proper and rigid bedtime schedule for my body 2 get
 *eats a slice of shame pie*. My lack of discipline is partly due to the fact that my dad & bf & friends fall asleep so EASILY like as soon as their body touches the bed! I used 2 b jealous &  think 'if sleeping is supposed to come as natural as breathing, why can't I just fall asleep normally again?!!' Then my pysch told me if I continue thinking like that I'd continue w/my anxieties so she said I just need 2 accept and move forward, let go and let God...which although hard at first, I did...and things have been improving slowly but surely.

Something I want to mention in this post: Several of you msged me saying that u had no idea that I was going through a situation like this for so long. Someone even told me on fb chat that she was surprised 2 learn about this because she always thought I led such a great life and that she was at times envious. Shout out 2 U for admitting this 2 me as it just goes 2 show:
Noone's life, no matter how 'perfect & wonderful' it may seem on the outside, is 'EASY'. As naturally judgemental as we humans may tend to be, we must always hold on to that bit of understanding that we DO NOT know the challenges people face in life. We all have our share to deal with in life, some at an earlier time than others and at varying degrees but at some point we must ALL endure specific trials and tribulations designed to test our resolve & essentially, our willingness to survive & emerge a better person. To say that times are hard is an understatement....So be a little more understanding and empathetic towards others, remain positive, hope for the best and let us try to change our actions and reactions to our circumstances into positive ones to create a better tomorrow.

A little something I wrote:


To reap the fruits of success from the Tree of Life, one must:

  1. Sow the seeds of PoSiTiViTy
  2. Fertilize the roots of PeRsEvErAnCe
  3. Tend to the leaves of PaTiEnCe
  4. Nurture the tree of FaItH
  5. Taste the fruit of SUCCESS :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hey there readers of my blog! (I feel so awesome and powerful saying that lol) Firstly thanks for browsing through this compilation of stuffz that go on in my brain. After a very, VERY long time procrastinating whether to keep this private or not I've finally decided 2 suck it up & broadcast pieces of my life for the world!

The inspiration to begin blogging stemmed from a very unpleasant up and down scenario pertaining to my health which began in 2008 and lasted up to now.You're probably wondering: WHAT experience is this woman referring to?! Well, you may wanna take a deep breath here cuz the following posts are a lot2digest...i.e : A HEC OF A LOTTA READING!!! Consider yourself warned! lol.

Rewind 3 yrs to 2008, my 2nd year of University and a turbulent one at that, plagued by no, not looming projects, essays and other work related stressors...but a HOST of health-related issues specifically: chronic severe insomnia (as in I'd go WEEKS with ZERO hours of sleep), panic/anxiety disorder (constant anxious feelings and attacks, jittery trembling  nerves, hard pounding heart 24/7, shortness of breath) and of course as the inevitable result of these illnesses, depression.
WHY did this begin? To make an even longer story short: The mind is a very powerful careful what u put into it...I made the mistake of watching 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' at a time when my faith was not very strong...Additionally, a friend told me about her evil spirit and how her house had to be exorcised etc...NEEDLESS 2 say my insomnia and anxieties began...Coupled with me not doing anything about it and thinking it would go away on its worsened and became a vicious cycle of anxiety->lack of sleep->anxiety->lack of sleep etc. Eventually I got over the evil thing and strengthened my faith BUT my anxieties about not sleeping at all and never being able to sleep normally again WORSENED. I MUST mention here: I did not take ANY medication for ANY of these illnesses...(I prefer natural alternatives) However I must also admit that after a plethora of doctors assured me that I did not have an underlying life threatening disease and advised me to see a pyschologist, I DID NOT see one till years later (February 2011).  Don't do what I did!! Suck up your pride and seek help if it lasts months and you can't get through it on ur own cuz I thought I could have solved it single handedly and by the time I realized I needed backup, it had worsened which meant my recovery time would be a LONG process.  

My life changed drastically...I went from an outgoing, fun loving, living- life -and- having- fun chic to a very anxious, moody and depressed individual. I know longer knew myself...I had changed for the worst. I became very angry with God, asking Him how he could allow a then-20 year old who seemed to be on the right track, to suffer the way I was. The total lack of sleep and constant anxiety and depression affected everything from my relationship w/my bf (tho he was the main one who pulled me through & was @ my side every step of the way...thx babe <3 ) & family,  to my social life to my academic performance to essentially ME as a person. During that very dark period, I honestly felt like I was dying both physically, mentally and emotionally...I missed so many important milestones including half of my graduation ceremony. I felt like I had hit rockbottom and like I was a failure as a recent thriving graduate, who was now unable to work and go out past 6pm due to severe physical and mental exhaustion. I was no longer vibrant & dynamic Chelsea. I was now Chelsea who was simply EXISTING rather than LIVING...
Somewhere along this difficult path covered in thorns...I found a rose...LITERALLY well kinda lol...I was home outside in my yard feeling sad and crying when I just looked to my empty hibiscus tree I saw one lone beautiful hibiscus flower...and suddenly I saw a hummingbird which is RARE by me...I've NEVER seen one in my yard ever before...IMMEDIATELY I felt like it was a sign...I felt an twinge of hope and eventually I began to believe that God had a plan for me...I stopped wondering 'Why Me?!' ...something had hit me...I refused to continue simply existing & doing nothing with my life!!! I was heading down a downward spiral if I continued like that and was fed up of feeling hopeless and like I was never going to get better. It was like I was waiting for an invitation that would never come so I decided to INVITE MYSELF to get better rather than wait for nothing!

Flash forward to 2011...I finally sought professional help as my sleep issue was killing me (i've seen a pysch twice and she's helped tremedously!) and thanks to God, supportive family, friends and my amazing bf, I am in a way better place than ever before. It is certainly a gradual and very long process (it will take months to years to undo roughly 3 years of anxiety and lack of sleep) and there are nights where I get 3-4 hrs of sleep and nights where I get none at all....but the point will get better. I believe that everything happens for a reason, 'Que sera, sera'. I was meant to go through this very lengthy obstacle to make me a better person and maybe even to reach out to those like me! Whatever the reason, I'm grateful for it because now I appreciate the finer details of life and don't take things nor people for granted. DEPRESSION IS NOT FOR THE LIVING!! You are privileged just to be alive!!!

It was difficult but once I changed my attitude and perspective and began making little changes in my life: (diet,excercise,positive attitude etc),
I began to feel like a phoenix...rising from the ashes! I still have a very long way to's only been about 1 month since things have started looking up & some days r better than others...but though I may stagger, I won't fall again! This experience has changed me for the best and I am truly grateful to have gone through it at such a young age.
Barcollo ma non mollo (Italian proverb-I may stagger but I won't fall.)