So after reading my 1st post which gave the background story 4 this blog (scroll down under this post 2 take a read), a lot of u asked about my current situation . Here's a quick update: Ever since 'seeing the light' & also seeing my pysch (saw her twice since Feb to help me deal with my sleeping/anxiety issues etc), I have been progressing,doing my yoga classes and I'm currently working at home doing translations for 2 companies which is a great aid for my brain cells & my wallet!! Additionally, my rship w my fam & bf of 3 1/2 yrs has improved IMMENSELY :). So I'm just taking it easy doing things but giving my body a chance to heal and rest till decision time a.k.a CONUNDRUM which is another post 4 another time!
Sleep wise, last night, I slept roughly 4 hrs which is better than 2 the night b4. Yay me! *insert happy jig here* I went to sleep later than normz (after 12) due to blog excitement & the only reason I got up at 4:37 am was 4 a pee break.Hmmph! *PLZ refer to Tip#3 on the right side of this page!*
And I have difficulties in getting my body & mind back 2 that sweet state of slumber once I have already awoken. Ok, ok and fine... to be honest, I'm pretty undisciplined when it comes to following my tips and sticking to a proper and rigid bedtime schedule for my body 2 get*eats a slice of shame pie*. My lack of discipline is partly due to the fact that my dad & bf & friends fall asleep so EASILY like as soon as their body touches the bed! I used 2 b jealous & think 'if sleeping is supposed to come as natural as breathing, why can't I just fall asleep normally again?!!' Then my pysch told me if I continue thinking like that I'd continue w/my anxieties so she said I just need 2 accept and move forward, let go and let God...which although hard at first, I did...and things have been improving slowly but surely.
Something I want to mention in this post: Several of you msged me saying that u had no idea that I was going through a situation like this for so long. Someone even told me on fb chat that she was surprised 2 learn about this because she always thought I led such a great life and that she was at times envious. Shout out 2 U for admitting this 2 me as it just goes 2 show:
Noone's life, no matter how 'perfect & wonderful' it may seem on the outside, is 'EASY'. As naturally judgemental as we humans may tend to be, we must always hold on to that bit of understanding that we DO NOT know the challenges people face in life. We all have our share to deal with in life, some at an earlier time than others and at varying degrees but at some point we must ALL endure specific trials and tribulations designed to test our resolve & essentially, our willingness to survive & emerge a better person. To say that times are hard is an understatement....So be a little more understanding and empathetic towards others, remain positive, hope for the best and let us try to change our actions and reactions to our circumstances into positive ones to create a better tomorrow.

A little something I wrote:
To reap the fruits of success from the Tree of Life, one must:
- Sow the seeds of PoSiTiViTy
- Fertilize the roots of PeRsEvErAnCe
- Tend to the leaves of PaTiEnCe
- Nurture the tree of FaItH
- Taste the fruit of SUCCESS :)