Ok so I admit that the title may be just a wee, tad bit misleading...let me forewarn you before you proceed...NO I am not going to dissect and discuss what makes a french kiss french (hello I have a bf!!) This title actually refers to the fact that I am officially convinced that the French take PDA to a whole new level hence being bestowed the prestigious title of the 'French' kiss. What am I rambling on about? Let me show you an example....the below photo was taken yesterday from my (very crappy and lame) Blackberry Curve 8520 on full zoom while I was descending the escalator leaving a mall. Mind you, this is TAME compared to what I have witnessed here in Lille, France:
Now I do not go around snapping random photos of liplocked, embracing strangers like a pyscho freak....weirdo ... stalker ...professional voyeur but this was truly getting ridiculous!! On the tram, (at least i can pretend to be interested in the sights through the windows), in the park, (at least I can veer in another direction) in the metro DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MY FOUR EYES (where i am an in an enclosed space with NOWHERE to really look but in front of me at at the middle aged, {YES complete with wrinkles, grey hair, signs of maturity and CLEARLY a perfectly functioning libido} couple heavily making out with their hands ripping out each other's hair.) *PHEW* In hindsight I should have probably taken a pic as they wouldn't have noticed but the others sitting 1cm next to me surely would have.
This all brings me back to yesterday on the very long escalator which takes about 3minutes to go down....So from before boarding the escalator I spotted this couple below (how could I not?!) sitting on the bench out in the open, cold public as people, families and children were leaving the mall. After fb posts expressing my shock at these SUPER BLATANT 'voulez vous coucher avec moi?' public scenarios I simply had to take a photo. I just had to!
I MUST STRESS that after the 3minute escalator ride plus about 1 minute of walking towards and past them and they did NOT break their kissing embrace! I wondered if they were alive for a brief moment....or if perhaps they had somehow frozen together in that position....but all rational hypotheses were laid to rest when they finally broke apart (perhaps to inhale some oxygen into their lungs) and watched each other with googly eyes.
I probably sound like a hater and yes, yes I indeed am...I soooo am not!! I do miss my bf and such affection but where I'm from, back in the Caribbean, we do NOT show such pda!! Holding hands, a couple pecks and lippy smacks, long hugs and embraces are all well and good (we ARE human not robots) BUT the heavy making out and petting and UBERLY loving and longing looks and EXCESS giggling and moaning noises (ESPECIALLY those within a 5cm radius) ETC ETC are those we like to keep PRIVATE (whether in a public restroom, a dark corner or the confinements of our own places!) NOT for the rest of the world to see! I am convinced that maybe Europeans in general are just freaks who get a thrill out of displaying their lack of amorous restraint for the world to see. I MUST admit however that it is quite refreshing to see the males in particular not holding back. They hold their partners' hands and commence the loving and longing looks, they whisper sweet nothings while in the busy metro {mon chou(my cabbage), ma puce (my flea), ma poulette(my little chicken)...I SWEAR to you these are all REAL, DAILY USED french endearments!!!!!} This lack of male bravado deserves kudos as Caribbean men tend to be a bit more macho in general. (Luckily I have a bf who happens to be a not too bad mix of virile macho man and sensitive suzy) So continue to be crazily in love and display it for the world to see!! For without you I would not have interesting fodder to share here! Better to be making love than killing each other in public I suppose....once the literal baby-making activites remain PRIVATE it's all well and good!
So thus ends my tale on the 'french' kiss. I'll be going to Italy in February....perhaps I should invest in an android? #professional voyeur. bisous!
"Unless it is mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it's a waste of time. There are too many mediocre things in life- Love should not be one of them." - Unknown
A scene from one of my favourite romance movies of all time (after the Titanic and before Letters to Juliet.) |